4 Types of Maintenance Approach: Predictive, Corrective, Condition-Based and Preventive

Maintenance is an essential part of any organization's operations. It is important to understand the different types of maintenance approaches in order to ensure that the right maintenance is carried out at the right time. There are four main types of maintenance approach: predictive maintenance (PdM), corrective maintenance, condition-based maintenance (CBM) and preventive maintenance. Predictive maintenance (PdM) is a proactive approach that uses data from the machine's sensors and intelligent technology to alert the maintenance team when equipment is at risk of failure.

This allows for timely repairs and inspections, reducing the risk of unplanned downtime. An example of PdM would be using vibration analysis to detect potential faults. Corrective maintenance is carried out when a problem is detected. This means that the maintenance associated with the problem is carried out before it worsens.

An example would be if a technician is carrying out a planned inspection and, in the meantime, detects a problem, they will perform corrective maintenance so that the problem does not cause a fault or other type of failure. Condition-based maintenance is based on minimum and maximum indicators. This means that a job will be triggered in the maintenance system if, for example, the temperature exceeds the maximum value. Therefore, the condition of the machine will indicate when maintenance is needed.

Preventive maintenance aims to detect and fix problems before they occur. It is usually carried out in the form of regular inspections, which are usually carried out several times a year. The main benefit of preventive maintenance is that it can eliminate unplanned downtime, since it detects problems before they occur. Reliability-focused maintenance is a sophisticated strategy that requires a maintenance team that masters prevention, predictive maintenance, essential inspections and has access to reliable asset data. Default maintenance is also carried out using rules and suggestions created by the original manufacturer, rather than the maintenance team. In conclusion, there are four main types of maintenance approach: predictive maintenance (PdM), corrective maintenance, condition-based maintenance (CBM) and preventive maintenance.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages and should be used according to the needs of an organization.

Marcus Mcnayr
Marcus Mcnayr

Friendly beer advocate. . Certified twitter aficionado. Unapologetic coffee buff. Award-winning social media advocate.