When is the Best Time to Replace an Air Conditioner Unit?

It's a common misconception that it's cheaper to replace the air conditioner (AC) in winter. Actually, if you're thinking about replacing the air conditioner and the boiler, then you should consider doing it together, since most companies offer discounts on houses that replace both at the same time. The misconception is that you'll get better prices because demand is low. The truth is that the winter months are often still a busy time for any legitimate air conditioning and heating company.

Contrary to popular belief, it's not necessarily cheaper to replace the air conditioner in winter. As an expert in the HVAC industry, I can tell you that the best time to buy a new unit is right before summer. If you have to buy an air conditioner out of season, the lowest rates are usually in February and March. Especially for central air conditioning sales that require installation by an HVAC professional, the best time to make the call is from fall through spring. You might think that winter is the best time because of less competition, but this isn't true; HVAC professionals are busy working on heating units during the winter months, which can contribute to a longer wait and higher expenses than during the fall or spring.

While you may not need a professional to install another type of air conditioning unit, such as a window unit or a swamp cooler, prices are usually lower during cold weather months. One reason for this is that air conditioners, like cars, are often available in new models. Dealers want to eliminate the previous year's models out of season to make room for the next versions, which can be very good for people looking to buy air conditioners. When it comes to choosing an air conditioning system for your home, there are several types available. Some are better suited to certain homes than others.

There is also a wide range of costs for air conditioners with window units in the low range and smart or geothermal central air conditioners in the high end. Determining what type of air conditioning system is right for you will also consider the question of when is the best time to buy an air conditioner. In addition to finding the lowest possible price, other ways to save when buying an air conditioner include asking about the credits and tax discounts available for high-efficiency models and asking if you can get free upgrades, such as a smart thermostat. Also remember that, if it's more expensive and more efficient, it could pay off in the long term with your utility bills if you plan to stay home for many years. If you're still wondering when I should buy a new air conditioning unit, Spring HVAC Repair Pros is a professional air conditioner replacement and installation company in Spring, Texas that you can turn to. They can save on delivery and installation costs by replacing air conditioning units at the same time they replace or repair an oven.

Anyone who has worked in the HVAC industry will tell you that you should ALWAYS replace your air conditioning unit in the spring at the latest. This way, you can take advantage of lower prices before summer arrives and avoid any potential delays due to high demand.

Marcus Mcnayr
Marcus Mcnayr

Friendly beer advocate. . Certified twitter aficionado. Unapologetic coffee buff. Award-winning social media advocate.