When is the Right Time to Replace Your Ductwork?

The average lifespan of ducts is usually between 20 to 25 years, but after 15 years, they start to show signs of wear and tear and can significantly reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning system. This is why experts suggest replacing them every 15 years. The materials used in ducts can become worn over time, which has a major impact on the performance of the air conditioning system and can lead to a decrease in indoor air quality. It's important to replace your ducts after 20 years or earlier if you notice any signs of deterioration.

Doing so will help you save money on repairs and replacements, as it allows you to enjoy your air conditioning system for its full expected lifespan.

Marcus Mcnayr
Marcus Mcnayr

Friendly beer advocate. . Certified twitter aficionado. Unapologetic coffee buff. Award-winning social media advocate.